

Your targets will be translated into a strategic planning that serves as a guideline for cultivation optimization.
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Crop analysis

For keeping his finger on the pulse, Willem Valstar frequently pays a visit to analyse cultivation extensively.
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After each visit, the grower receives an extensive report containing practical advice and points of focus.
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StarGrow Consultancy, optimizing the growth

You own a vegetable nursery, but is your crop-yield really sufficient? StarGrow Consultancy shows you the way to an optimal result in growing tomatoes and eggplants. In our advice, we concentrate on all factors that can influence crop growth, product quantity and product quality.

Achieving and maintaining an optimal cultivation climate, for the benefit of the highest possible business return. That is what StarGrow Consultancy can do for you. Together, we translate your targets into a strategic plan, that serves as a guideline during the entire plant and crop growth process. Afterwards, what follows is intensive cultivation guidance, with StarGrow Consultancy analysing, inspecting, reporting and initiating new ideas. Read more on our working method.

StarGrow Consultancy also offers:
Guidance in scientific cultivation tests.
Organisation of courses in cultivation techniques.
Global ‘Long Distance Support’.

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Latest news


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Stargrow Consultancy is a member of: Cropex Group