Working method

Strategic plan

Every cooperation with StarGrow Consultancy starts with an introduction with no strings attached. Should a cooperation indeed ensue, then targets are set and a strategic plan is made. These targets obviously concern the harvest’s quantity and quality (weight and taste). At StarGrow Consultancy the plant’s growth is key, so all influencing factors, such as plant management, lighting and fertilisation, are carefully planned, analysed, and, if necessary, adjusted.

Comprehensive crop and climate analysis


Cultivation guidance by StarGrow Consultancy mainly takes place at the plant nursery. For keeping his finger on the pulse, Willem Valstar regularly pays a visit to be able to comprehensively study plant growth and determine fruit quality and possible diseases. Also, the registered climate data are analysed, in close consultation with the grower, and the settings adjusted when necessary. The latter is important, because the computer manages and regulates cultivation 24/7. Before the plant nursery is visited all different forwarded cultivation data have already been carefully put into context and possible bottlenecks have been inventoried, so swift adjustment is possible.

Click on the image for an impression of cultivation data…
grafiek 2 stargrow grafiek 1 stargrow grafiek 3 stargrow

Extensive report

After each visit the grower will receive an extensive written report that leaves nothing to the imagination. Obviously including expert advice on which steps to take next on the road to the highest possible return.

More information?

Feel free to contact us via the phone number below or send an e-mail to I am happy to talk to you.
